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We hope you enjoy the devotionals written by Southside Christian Fellowship Ballarat. We are praying that as you read the devotionals you will be encouraged to go deeper in your faith. We also hope and pray that if you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior that you may find peace and rest in him through these devotionals .

It’s All About Relationship

Life is busy? Do you find yourself getting caught up in the demands of day to day routines? We can make ourselves busy, so we have a sense of purpose. We can place high expectations on ourselves to live up ...

Grace in Action

Here hangs a criminal, a man who has broken the law, he has stood trial and been deemed no longer worthy of life. He knows he is getting what he deserves. He knows the weight of shame and guilt he ...

Words Matter

The words we speak in relation to healing can either limit or release Gods faith. When ministering healing there are faith filled words that we need to speak We need to speak the name of Jesus when ministering healing because ...

How Do You View God

How do you view God? As an old man with a beard, a big stick and lots of rules? In reality, He is the most intimate being you could ever spend your life with. When I first heard of God ...

Battle Of The Mind

I was reminded this week of a board game I use to play called battleships. You have two armies of ships and each army has to guess, using co-ordinates, where their opponents are to destroy them. I never liked having ...

When We Step Out God Steps In

If you are familiar with Craige Groschel then you will be familiar with his series Alter Ego. One of his main points is that when we spend time with Jesus the more our faith increases, the more our faith increases, ...

Everlasting Values

Growing up in a non-Christian home my parents taught me to believe in santa, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy. I didn't question what they taught me, just enjoyed the worldly benefits that came with it. When I was ...

Simply Jesus

What is Christianity? Christianity is a restoration back to the heart of God! From selfishness to love; from “me, myself, and I” to all about God. Do you know that being a Christian is not about you? Do you know ...

Dare TO Let GO

Today I was confronted with an argument between a couple of good friends of mine. There was an offense taken and the person respond accordingly, which lead to another offense being taken and all of sudden it seemed the friendship ...

No Matter What

As I sit and ponder what to write I am reminded of who I was before I gave my life to the Lord. I was once depressed, anxious, an alcoholic, recreational drug user, lonely and someone who had no time ...

Love Conquers Fear

How does your body cope with fear? Fear can consume you to the point of losing control of reality. God's word is more powerful than fear and it tells us how to deal with it. In 1 John 4:4 it ...
Talking with God

Conversation with God

If you have ever spent time in a major city, worked with loud machines or had a toddler you know what it’s like to not be able to hear yourself think. Once in India, I was so overwhelmed by the ...
God is Real

He is Real

There’s this incredible moment in Toy Story 3 (warning spoiler alert) where the toys find themselves heading towards an incinerator. There’s absolutely nothing they can do to save themselves from their impending doom. Then out of nowhere a large claw ...


Are you afraid to dream? Has a past experience shut down this ability or desire in you? This can be a real challenge in some lives as dreams may only be nightmares. The bible speaks of dreams and visions and ...

Saved by Grace through Faith

Sometimes life can feel overwhelming, we get caught up in all the things we feel we should be doing and the things we shouldn't be doing. We put so much pressure on how we are performing, how we are measuring ...

Identity Part 2

Losing things is never fun! The amount of times I lose things is shameful, simply trying to find my keys each morning can add half an hour to my day. Then there are things you can choose to lose/give away, ...

Identity Part 1

A friend of mine was trying to get rid of a bag of chocolate buttons, it had been rejected a couple of times when they offered me a taste. I was told it was lemon flavoured. Being a fan of ...

Applying Gods Word Through Prayer

Sometimes we find ourselves not knowing what to talk to God about. How can we pray for those we love or how do we know what we’re praying is what God desire for our lives and the lives of our ...

All the World is Not a Stage

"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with ...
What is your Path

What is your Path

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 As we approach the beginning of a new year ...