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He is Real

God is Real

There’s this incredible moment in Toy Story 3 (warning spoiler alert) where the toys find themselves heading towards an incinerator. There’s absolutely nothing they can do to save themselves from their impending doom. Then out of nowhere a large claw reaches down and grabs them, pulling them to safety. At the very end of the movie the toys are passed onto a new owner, one who will take care of them and love them wholeheartedly.

It’s such a profound moment that really reflects what Christ does. And not just in the moment we receive him as Lord (our moment of salvation) but every moment after that. When God sent his son Jesus to earth, he was reaching his hand down to save those on the path to destruction. He wanted us to know how real and personal He is. Christ didn’t just save us from eternal damnation, he also restored our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

So often Christians and non-Christians alike can fall into believing that God is a far-off God, unattached and happy to just let humans live out their lives on their own, with no consequence to him what they do with their life. But the wonderful truth is that God does love us unconditionally, He loved us enough to send His son to die for us. He was crushed and bruised for our sins, the punishment that bought us peace was taken out on him, so that any person willing to acknowledge Him would know just how personal He is.

Application: if you’re finding yourself in a season of doubt or not knowing how fair dink-um God is about you, get fair dink-um with Him, tell him where you’re at and remember he’s not a silent God, He has an answer, He has a way, and He is with you right now.

Romans 5:8