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We Believe

Statement of Faith

1. The Bible – its full inspiration and infallibility

2. The eternal unity and trinity of the Godhead – comprising of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

3. The Lord Jesus Christ – his pre-existence with the Father, his virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death for the sins of the world, his Resurrection for our justification, his ascension to the Fathers right hand and his personal return to reign upon the earth

4. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter – received personally as at Pentecost, with signs following. The nine supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit and the nine fold fruit of the Spirit.

5. Full Salvation – for everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, the necessity of the new birth by receiving Christ by Faith and the cleansing from all sin through His Blood.

6. The Ordinances – Baptism by immersion for believers only and the observance of the Lords Supper.

7. Divine Healing – for the body, as secured in the atonement of Christ and deliverance from demon possession and from all the bondage’s and sickness of Satan.

8. The Church which is the Body of Christ – comprising born again believers of all nations and denominations. The co-operation of all members of the Body of Christ in the unity and power of the Holy Spirit, for the presentation of an all-sufficient Christ to all people.

9. Bible Prophecy – its fulfillment in world events, heralding the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the setting up of his millennial kingdom upon earth.


Southside Church is  dedicated to proclaiming the above message to the Individual, the church, our City Ballarat and the Nations by:

Evangelism – in accordance The Great Commission of Christ and with the confirmation of signs following as in the days of the early church.

” Therefore go and make disciples of all

nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and of the Son and of the Holy

Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I

have commanded you.” Matthew 28:16-20. 

2. Calling our Nation – back to recognition of its Christian heritage and to national repentance in preparation for Christ’s return.

3. Making use of all means – in spreading the gospel, such as public meetings, community engagement, internet and all forms of electronic media and literature.

4. Co-Operating – with other organisations in evangelism and by establishing self governing churches as lead by the Holy Spirit.

5. Providing Christian education – for all ages, groups and by encouraging training for active ministry.

6. Promoting loyalty to God and our great nation.