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What is your Path

What is your Path

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

As we approach the beginning of a new year no doubt most of us have set goals for 2019. Are your goals this year to lose weight? Make a new friend? Take up a sport? No matter our goals or our motives, we need to whole hearty rely upon Gods wisdom, power, strength and goodness for direction and help as we step into another year.

It can be so easy for us to rely upon our own strength and our own understanding and wonder where God is in all of this. We can be so carnal minded and focus on ourselves and not on the one who created us in His image. Let this year begin with acknowledging God in everything we do in our work, in our home, in our family and when we are around those who may not know the love of Christ.

When we acknowledge God in everything we do, we are saying that He is enough for our life. We are saying that what Christ did on the cross is enough for me and that His completed work death and resurrection has now given me complete access to God and nothing can stand in my way. No mater our daily circumstances God will never let you down, He will walk with you and talk with you every minute of the day. To know Gods wisdom is to have relationship with Him, to talk with Him daily and spend time in His word. Let this year be a year where you allow God to guide your steps by placing all your trust in Him, so you can please Him, glorify Him and allow Him to set your goals and agendas for this new year.

Application: Take a moment today to sit and spend quality time with God. He knows your beginning and your end. Allow Him to set your goals, plans and thoughts for this coming year. Allow His Words to bring revelation to your heart and let the Holy Spirit lead you into all truth.

Your Friends in Christ.
Southside Christian Fellowship.