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No Matter What

As I sit and ponder what to write I am reminded of who I was before I gave my life to the Lord. I was once depressed, anxious, an alcoholic, recreational drug user, lonely and someone who had no time for GOD. I am sure most of you who are reading this have experienced one of the above issues or had someone close to you go through similar things. You may be reading this and think “Hey that’s me I tick all those boxes and have no time for God, some fictitious character in a book written thousands of years ago.”

Now before you stop reading this, I want to challenge you to #1. Find a Bible, open it and ask the God you have no time for, to reveal himself to you. The beauty of the Bible is that it is a love letter written to you from God and He is longing to reveal Himself to you through His Word.

Being a Christian is not about a denomination, a tradition or how much knowledge you have of the Bible. There are many Christians who have great knowledge of the Bible but lack one thing, an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

Challenge #2. Are you prepared to acknowledge that you have sinned (just like my list above as an example) turning away from that sin and ask Jesus to be Lord of your life and welcoming Him into your heart and commit to following Him for the rest of your days?

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

Who knows your life might be transformed like mine, no more alcohol, no more anxiety, no more depression?

Now all I have is a heart and love for Jesus and to see others to come to know Him so they can be set free too.

All Glory and Praise to God AMEN.