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Simply Jesus

What is Christianity? Christianity is a restoration back to the heart of God! From selfishness to love; from “me, myself, and I” to all about God. Do you know that being a Christian is not about you? Do you know that we can do nothing to add to our Salvation? We are saved by Grace through Faith (Ephesians 2 8-9).

Our World Today, needs redemption, our natural human condition before we were saved was characterized by guilt, shame, pride, greed, lust selfishness and the list goes on. Anyone who is in Christ is victorious, not by anything that they have done but by what Jesus Christ did on the cross at Calvary.

“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Christ’s redemption has freed us from guilt, being “justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24). God purchased our freedom, and we are no longer in bondage to sin. We can be the biggest problem of our own lives, we think that our problems are caused by our neighbor our boss or even our church leaders! The only reason we think our problems are caused by others is because life is still about US and not about God. Why? Because Self and Selfishness is the biggest problem. It’s not the devil, it’s not people; it’s living for yourself. When we live for SELF we are easily offended, quickly discouraged, disappointed, and an jealous of others and proud.

The funny thing is God did not make us to be that. He made us in His image. Everyone has been born into a lie that is why we must be born again. We must die to self and live for Christ and allow His love, His Word and the Holy Spirit to transform our lives. Amen.

Application: Try focusing less on yourself and focus more on God and His word, He longs to spend time with you. You will be amazed by the outcome!!