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Southside Church Ballarat Inc is a Pentecostal church seeking to follow the time-honored traditions that served Pentecostals so well for most of the last century. At Southside Christian Fellowship we are oriented around relaxed and gentle worship, aimed at touching the heart of God and being touched by Him in return.

Our Preaching and Teaching is Bible based and Bible centric, we are not interested in fads and trends, instead choosing to explore the pure, unchanging Truth of God’s Word. The Bible is the great foundation on which the faith and ministry of Southside Christian Fellowship is built, with a healthy skepticism for anything that goes beyond it.

The operation of the Gifts of the Spirit is encouraged and prayer for miracle healing of the sick is a standard part of our worship services.  God said it, we believe it and that settles it with us

Southside Church Ballarat Inc is a part of the Christian Revival Crusade Churches International. Our movement (previously known as the National Revival Crusade 1945-1952; Commonwealth Revival Crusade 1952- 1963; and Christian Revival Crusade 1963-1998) Born out of a passion to reach lost people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to crusade for a national Christian revival with a unique Australian approach to ministry.

At Southside Christian Fellowship we honor those who have gone before us and thank God for Pastor Leo Cecil Harris the founder of the Christian Revival Crusade. Our passion today has not changed we still aim to reach the lost, heal the sick and present to you the gospel of Jesus Christ,

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8