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It’s All About Relationship

Life is busy? Do you find yourself getting caught up in the demands of day to day routines? We can make ourselves busy, so we have a sense of purpose. We can place high expectations on ourselves to live up to those busy demands.

Do you allow the pressures of this life to nullify your relationship with Jesus? Have we allowed ourselves to fall away on account of being too busy? Jesus was never meant to be an add on, or a trophy on the shelf to flash at people when they ask how we are going. Christ gave us his very life, that we may have life and life to the full (John 10:10)

How then do we change our focus and put Christ at the center of our life? It all begins with relationship talking with God telling Him how much you love Him and allowing Him to love you back. Thanking God that even while you were a sinner, he showed you love (Romans 5:8). Don’t forget to thank God for sending His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Allow the word of God to penetrate you heart and spend time with God in communication. Like any relationship it is pretty boring if the conversation is one way. Allow God’s love which has been poured out into your heart through the Holy Spirit to manifest more and more in your life daily. And remember You love God because he first loved you (John 4:19)